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Synopsis of the novel : THE CHIEF MINISTER’S MISTRESS

Joygopal Podder

Synopsis of the novel : THE CHIEF MINISTER’S MISTRESS… 16th book. (Releasing in May 2015…..Fingerprint Publishing / Prakash Books)
A beautiful young woman is found murdered in an expensive house in the State Capital of India’s most prosperous province.
Her identification triggers off a reaction of fear in many prominent people from government, politics, police and social circles, who know that she was the Chief Minister’s mistress.
For Rajat Verma, her former lover and former staff member of the CM when he was Leader of the Opposition, Priyanka Singhal’s death is a mystery that must be solved. But powerful officials in the CM’s Office, police officials with hidden agendas, and his own one-time friends in the capital’s social set, all conspire in a massive cover-up operation – involving bribery, blackmail and sudden death.
Rajat Verma persists with his efforts to uncover the truth, until he is forced at last to confront a truly horrifying possibility.
Are his enquiries leading straight to the Chief Minister himself?

Joygopal Podder is joygopal.podder on Facebook and writes on
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